
blogger vs livejournal?

blogger does look better on default settings, and seems to load faster than live journal... on the other hand, i don't know anyone here. Back on the first hand, i don't know very many people on livejournal. On the floor, i don't blog very much, so it might not even be an issue.


Brian said...

I use both, so why don't you just do that?

SAOIRSE32 said...

I started 'blogging' at Blogger back in the day. People canny even comment you here because you have the anonymous comments turned off. Have you ever used deviantArt for your artwork like Hashi has? Go to my Lj post this morning and look at what I mean. I think you would like it for your art. :)

PS This is Oonagh btw. My sites here are not in that particular name.